Company Culture: Making Your Employees WANT To Work

Company Culture: Making Your Employees WANT To Work

Most Americans do not look for a job solely based on a company’s culture. There are other important variables to consider, such as salary, hours, and benefits. But once an employee has settled into his or her position, their working environment becomes paramount. As mentioned in our previous article, "How Happy Employees Equals A Hefty Bottom Line," a positive working environment is a reason for workers to have a sense of pride and satisfaction in their workplace. Theoretically speaking, if employees are happy, they will likely be more productive. Because of this, developing a company culture is vital to the success of every business.

The Birth of "Company Culture"

Generation X wanted a stable place to work that would provide job security for years. However, with the boom of the tech industry, our up and coming workforce has been introduced to the idea of savvy, new-age offices complete with on-site ping-pong tables, gaming consoles, and a more hands-off approach to managing staff. Because of this, Millennials apply more emphasis on the values and community of a company over longevity and security.

We're not suggesting that you head to the nearest electronics store and spend hundreds of dollars on fancy toys for your office; that model isn't suitable for every business. But there are certain measures you can take to design a culture that will not only entice but also encourage Millenials to want to work for your business. Here are a few ideas:

  • Professional development: Millennials often select employers based on the likelihood of advancement in their starting positions, so the potential for growth is a vital component of any company culture. Are opportunities for promotion, relocation, and pay increase available and encouraged? You should also provide an internal mentorship program aimed to prepare entry-level workers for supervisory and managerial roles. Professional development is a highly attractive value that should not be overlooked.
  • Flexibility: Some Millennials consider the lack of flexibility a deal-breaker. If a company's culture promotes this value (particularly regarding location, dress code, and scheduling), employees are often encouraged by the trust that is placed in them. Casual Fridays, the ability to work from home, and flexible working hours are all great examples of flexibility in the workplace.
  • Purpose: To Millenials, the "why" often trumps the "how much." Given that a big portion of their time is spent at work, employees are looking for their careers to offer more than just a paycheck--they seek to fulfill a purpose. When employees feel that what they do matters, productivity and morale are high.
  • Reputation: The reputation of a business should be an essential part of its culture. What the company represents and accomplishes is an important element when it comes to an employee finding the business attractive and fulfilling. Does the company give back to the community? Is the company honest and transparent in its dealings? Reputation is an integral part of any company culture for obvious reasons. Employees will not only feel fulfilled in what they do--they will also feel GOOD about what they do.

For the Workers, By the Workers

Company culture is important in today’s workforce. It should establish values, boost morale, and provide your staff with a sense of ownership, trust, and pride. Listen to your workers and figure out what makes them tick. You can do this by taking a survey to determine which values mean the most to your employees, and craft your culture accordingly. You'll be surprised to see how a small set of values can have such a big effect.

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