File My Annual Report

File My Annual Report

If your question isn't answered below, please check our other sections of the Help Center or email our team.

  • How Do I File My Annual Report If I Have Managed Report service?

    If you have Managed Report Service, it’s easy! We’ll take care of it for you! If you have or would like to have managed report service, just call our office or email us.

  • How Do I File My Annual Report Without Managed Report Service?

    Without managed report service, log into your account and view the Calendar tab. Double click on any upcoming due dates. For help, \contact us. The Quick Links section of your online account will also have a link to order managed report service.

  • How Do I Get Managed Report Service?

    Log into your online account and view the list of Quick Links. Look for the link that says “Order Managed Report Service”. For help, contact us.

  • How Do I Know When My Annual Report Is Due?

    Log into your online account and any due dates will show on the right side in the My Tasks section. You can also click on the Calendar tab. Double click on any task to see more details. InCorp will also email reminders to you 30 days and 5 days prior to the due date. With Managed Report service we will increase the contact so we can complete the filing on time for you.

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